Meet Jack...
Describe yourself in 3 words -
"Driven, Creative, Coach"
Fascinating fact about yourself? -
“I was invited to sing at a tribute concert to Jeff BuckIey in Paris; concluding the night with a rendition of Hallelujah - I’ll never forget it”.
Where is your Favourite place on the Island? -
“Brambles Chine Beach, on a summer’s evening you don't want for anything else”.
What is your Favourite thing to drink at TFCH? -
"A flat white - best coffee; best ratio"
What is your Favourite thing to eat at TFCH? -
"Smashed Avocado on Ciabatta Toast - best Avocado I've ever tasted"
What do you love most about working at TFCH? - “The connection we have with our customers both local and visitors to the island; plus we created it - which makes me very proud.
Come and say hi to Stefan; you can find him at 'The Little Boat IOW' his shop just a 1 minute walk from TFCH - of his artwork, clothing & where he coaches and Barista courses take place!